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Club Rules


All members must abide by the BMFA recommended safety guidelines as outlined in the BMFA handbook.

The club caters only for fixed wing aircraft, the flying of rotary wing or jet turbine powered aircraft is not allowed at this site.

This is a private flying site, membership is normally by invitation only and is subject to the appropriate annual fee being paid. Applications will however be considered based on current member recommendation or by a pre-arranged meeting on site.


Guest flying will only be permitted by prior arrangement, the appropriate day fee must be paid at the time of the visit.


Membership may be revoked where individuals are considered to be operating in a dangerous manner, being inconsiderate to others or in breach of club rules.


All fliers must be members of the BMFA and carry their membership cards at all times.


A parent or legal guardian must accompany any person under the age of 18. The only exception to this will be when the parent or legal guardian has signed a form of consent giving a responsible adult authorisation to bring the junior to the site. The form only has to be completed once for each responsible adult or junior, not for each individual visit (forms can be obtained from the site co-ordinator). This is to comply with the BMFA policy on the "Welfare of Children and Vulnerable Adults.

All model aircraft fliers must attain the BMFA 'A' Certificate to show that they have attained an appropriate standard of flying and safety awareness before they are permitted to fly solo at this site.

The BMFA recommendations on noise limits (82db at 7 metres) will be maintained at this site. Models considered noisy will be checked and grounded if they infringe these limits. All models are subject to a safety check by the site co-ordinator, any model found to be unsafe or in breach of the noise regulations will be grounded until rectified.

All vehicles must be parked in the designated parking area. NO vehicles are permitted on the grassed flying area.

Members must use the designated pilots standing area situated on the flight line. The objective being to improve communication between pilots actively flying and persons wishing to access the take off / landing area.

Models must not be taxied towards the flight line when returning to the pit area.

Only four aircraft to be airborne at any one time.

The site co-ordinator has responsibility for ensuring compliance with the site rules, any instruction from the co-ordinator must be complied with.

Frequency control is by the peg off method except when using 2.4GHz. (please be conversant with the method of frequency control we are using).

If operating on 35MHz the peg board must be used when more than one flier is on site, and frequency pennants to be displayed at all times.

All models must be suitably restrained in the pit area prior to starting and running up of engines 


All operational failsafe's in use on powered models operated from this club must have the throttle set to tick-over, not hold (stopped in the case of electric power) regardless of the other control operations governed by the failsafe.


Particular care must be taken when operating on Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) or when changing from normal modulation (PPM) to (PCM) to ensure that the failsafe is correctly programmed.


Members and visitors must respect outlying farmland and any crops when retrieving models away from the landing area. Please do not stray from the access track when entering or exiting the site. The last person to leave the site must ensure that the gate is closed and the security padlock is in place and secure.


The only training allowed on this site will be by Plane Crazy registered instructors.


Flying Times: Monday – Friday 10.00am until 8pm
Saturday 10am until 7pm
Sunday and Bank Holidays 10am until 6pm


Please note:

The use of facilities on this site are at owners risk. Plane crazy MFC does not accept liability with regard to any damage incurred to any vehicles or equipment brought onto the site.

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